Board of Education
- Harvey Burnett
- John Colip
- Marlene Gauer
- Tom Gordon
- Lloyd Miller
- Mark Skene
- Kay Welsh
- Karen Worvey
- David Zelmer
- 1993-2005—Mr. David Casey
- 2005-2010—Mrs. Diana Davis who was Buchanan Community Schools first female superintendent
- 1983-2005—Mr. William McBeth with assistant principal Mr. Michael Young
- 2005-2006—Mr. Rick Gregg with assistant principal Mr. William Magley
- 2006-2014—Mrs. Sharon Steinke with assistant principals Mr. William Magley [2006-2007], Mr. Wayne Writer [2007-2008] and Mr. Chris Machiniack 2008-2014
Graduates–approximate numbers plus others graduated from Buchanan via alternative programs
- 2000—110
- 2001—96
- 2002—96
- 2003—96
- 2004—108
- 2005—105
- 2006—102
- 2007—100
- 2008—104
- 2009—104
Timeline of 2000-2009
- Buchanan High School welcomed the new century and millennium in 2000 and student life remained paramount to the memories made within the school.

- Fall activities continued to see the traditional Homecoming week during this decade. Students participated in Days of the week [70s, button day, class color day, weird hair, hat day, weird socks, Hawaiian day, etc.], outdoor pep rallies, parade with floats, and coronation of the King and Queen at football games on Friday night under the lights.
- Additional computers came to BHS and CISCO became an option
- New BUCK logo was introduced

- Career Tech Classes added to schedule
- 2001—BHS dedicated the new press box and concession stand one week after 9/11 with newly covered bleachers. Much of the funding, labor and some materials were donated by the community.
- 2001—Due to new Michigan law, school began after Labor Day for the first time in years. Only a week later students witnessed the September 11 attack on televisions in classrooms.
- 2004—The Buchanan Community witnessed the new auxiliary gymnasium to accommodate Title IX changes. Also the recent bond provided for a new weight room and renovated cafeteria area.

- After 2004, BHS no longer had a home economics program.
- Students who emigrated from Africa nations joined our student body
- Buchanan continued to have a school nurse through until 2004-5
- BHS abandoned the 4X4 schedule and went to a 5 period day in 2007-8
- BHS students wore name tags for the first time in 2007-8
- BHS had a dedicated Athletic Director for the first time in 2007-8
Classes offered—partial list:
- ACP Government
- ACP History
- African American Studies
- Automotive
- Automotive
- Beginning Broadcasting
- Botany
- Canadian Studies
- Choir—ceased during the next decade
- Classes at LMC and SMC
- Credit Recovery
- Culinary
- European Studies
- Family Living
- Freshman English
- Freshmen Academy began in 2007-8
- General Science
- Journalism
- Korean 1
- Korean 2
- Korean 3 from 1998-2005
- Law and Public Speaking ended in 2010
- Math Science Center
- Mythology
- Non Western World Studies
- Parent and Child Development
- Physical Education
- Spanish
- Sports Medicine
Student Activities
- After Prom
- All Stars with high school role models working with elementary students
- Art Club with Empty Bowls
- Band—Marching and Concert
- Blood Drives
- BNN—Buchanan News Network broadcasting on Channel 12
- Canadian Exchange—Final year was 2000 after 16 years
- Close Up continued throughout the decade
- Concert Choir
- Ecology Club with recycling and Earth Day activities
- Exchange students
- Fifth grade camp counselors
- Food Drives
- Future Problems Solvers competed at state level in 2001-02
- Homecoming Activities
- Korean Students visit BHS for a week in 2002-03
- Miss Buchanan
- Mock Wedding
- Musicals ceased during this decade
- National Honor Society
- Parent and Child Development class invited preschool aged children to the high school for the education of both ages
- Patriotic Week began in 2002
- Plays
- Pre-school in Parent and Child Development Class
- Prom and After Prom
- Redbud Chorale
- Rotary Student of the Month
- Senior Trips to amusement or water parks
- Spanish Club with Donkey Basketball and trips to Mexico and Europe
- Spanish National Honor Society
- SRA–Student Representative Assembly [Student Council]
- Stuffed Animal Drive
- Winterfest with days of the week, pep rally, royalty and semi-formal dance
- Veterans Day guest speakers brought in by our American Legion
- YAC–Youth Advisory Council
- Yearbook–THE PINES
- Athletics
- Baseball—Varsity, JV
- Boys’ Basketball—Varsity, JV, and Freshmen
- Boys’ Soccer with district champs in fall of 2000
- Boys’ Tennis with “public school” state title in 2003; also added a JV team
- Boys’ Track
- Competitive Cheerleading placed third in Regionals 1999-2000
- Cheerleading—two male cheerleaders visited China in
- Cross Country
- Equestrian Team won district in 2001-2
- Football—Varsity, JV
- Football—Varsity, JV, Freshmen
- Girls’ Basketball—Varsity, JV—District Champs in 2000, record in regular 2002 season 20-0
- Girls’ Soccer started at BHS in 1999-2000 and by 2002-3 there was a JV team
- Girls’ Tennis with JV team added by 2002-3;
- Girls’ Track
- Golf
- Softball—Varsity, JV
- Swim Team in 2007-8
- Tennis
- Volleyball—Varsity, JV
- Wrestling